Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My last blog post for a while

I have had so many adventures, here in california, and in mexico. Moving, hiding, making friends, that now, i feel as if my life will be boring. I hope it will not be. So i will have fun times with my friends, and family. Hopefully my life will not be boring at all. I hope things will happen, good things. Things like having adventures, finding wonderful things! I hope all this will happen, and i will share it with you in my next blog!😀 see you soon, bloggers! Lots of fun things will happen, i know it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My birthday!😀

Today is my birthday. I woke up to miguel, juan, and alfonso singing happy birthday to me outside my window. I smiled, sat up in bed, and listened. Isabel and i went and blew them kisses. Then they came inside. We gathered and had a special breakfast, all of us. Then abuelita and isabel were knitting. Isabel's was crooked. I came over, unraveled the stitches for her, and said, "do not be afraid to start over." 😀😊

I felt the earths heartbeat again!

Today miguel and i went to the valley and lay down on the cool smooth earth. We were just laying there and waiting for it to happen. "It" is the earth's heartbeat. When i was very little, papa and i felt it. He told me how you could lay there very quietly, and feel the earth bringing you in to be a part of it. So now that i was not sad anymore and all was well, i felt it again. It was beautiful, just like last time.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Hi i am so sorry this ahould have gone after life at the camp so far, just i forgot to tell you guys about it. The strikers finally rose up enough commotion i guess, and the officials came and took them away. Marta, surprisingly, came up to me and asked if i would hide her. Well, i saw the look in her eyes, and how she did not want to be separatedfrom her family, so how could i say no? I hid her while they came, then when they left i put an apron on her and told her to pretend to be a worker. It worked, and she is still here with us now.


Mama is better! All of my hoping finally payed off! I am so happy oh my goodness i cannot believe it! THIS is possibly the best day ever. I am so happy. I also found out that miguel and alfonso had saved the roses papa planted for us from the farm, and planted them here. This is an amazing day! Thanks doctor and family for doing all this for me i love you!

Money saving so i'm happy

i have been saving money for abuelita to come and now i have enough so im so exited! Hey but where is the money?!?!?!?!? Ah help the money has been stolen! I bet miguel took it! That little meanie! Oh my i am so mad at him! Hey hortensia said we are going to pick up miguel from the train station where he works. I wonder why he never came home?!?! Well there he is getting off the train, and who is that behind him, ABUELITA!!!!!!! Oh my goodness abuelita! Well it turns out that miguel used the money to bring abuelita. Thanks miguel!

The Big Anouncement, Queen of May!

Today we found out the winner of the queen of may. Isabel could not contain herself, she woke up so early so she could get to school and find out the winner. Well, she just got back from school, and she was looking sad. She threw her arms around me and told me she did not win queen of may. She said the teacher judged on more than just grades, because she got all A's. I'm sad for her, but at least she is not sobbing her head off. Papa gave me a special doll before he died, and i gave it to isabel because it is more important for her to have the doll than for me to.